
Idaho Senior Photography!

So you think you're going to graduate!?

then we had beter get you some pictures so you have proof!

1.5 hours

session catered to you 

location up to 100 miles from Idaho Falls (additional miles available) 

1-2 locations (wthin reason)

1-3 outfits

30 photos

location guide | Style guide

online gallery | download rights

print release 

 Price $350

Senior package 1!

Book Now!

1 hour

session catered to you 

location up to 50 miles from Idaho Falls (additional miles available) 

1 location

1-2 outfits

25 photos

location guide | Style guide

online gallery | download rights

print release 

 Price $275

senior package 2!

Book Now!

30 minutes

session catered to you 

location up to 25 miles from Idaho Falls (additional miles available) 

1 location

1 outfit

15 photos

location guide | Style Guide

online gallery | download rights

print release 

 Price: $190

senior package 3!

Book Now!

Booking a Idaho Senior Photography session can be a memorable and valuable experience for various reasons:

Celebrate Achievements: Senior year marks a significant milestone in a student's life. A portrait session provides an opportunity to celebrate their accomplishments, hard work, and dedication throughout their high school journey.
Capture Memories: High school is a unique time filled with friendships, experiences, and personal growth. Senior portraits freeze these moments in time, allowing seniors to look back and remember their youth, interests, and style.
Family Keepsake: Senior portraits serve as cherished family keepsakes. Parents and family members often love to display these photos at home or share them with friends and extended family.
Graduation Announcements: High school senior portraits are commonly used for graduation announcements and invitations. They add a personal touch to the announcements and let friends and family see the senior's transformation.
Express Individuality: Senior portrait sessions offer a chance for seniors to express their unique personalities, hobbies, and interests through clothing, props, and locations. This helps showcase who they are at this moment in their lives.
Professional Quality: Hiring a professional photographer ensures high-quality images that are well-lit, well-composed, and expertly edited, resulting in portraits that stand out and look polished.
Boost Confidence: A portrait session can boost a senior's self-esteem and confidence. The process of being photographed can help them feel empowered and beautiful, enhancing their sense of self-worth.
Friendship Keepsakes: Senior portraits can be taken with friends, capturing the camaraderie and bonds that have developed over the years. These photos become cherished memories of friendship.
Document Growth: Senior portraits mark the transition from adolescence to adulthood. They capture a young adult on the cusp of embarking on new adventures, making them a valuable documentation of personal growth.
Graduation Gifts: Senior portraits can make meaningful gifts for grandparents, close friends, or mentors. Framed portraits or photo albums can be a touching way to show appreciation and share memories.
College Applications: Some college applications require or allow students to submit a professional portrait. Having a senior portrait session ensures you have a suitable photo ready for any application needs.
Customization and Creativity: A senior portrait session allows for creative expression and customization. Seniors can choose locations, themes, and outfits that resonate with their personality, resulting in a set of portraits that truly represent them.
Social Media and Online Presence: In the digital age, senior portraits often find their way onto social media profiles, personal websites, and professional platforms. Having high-quality portraits can contribute to a positive online presence.
Time Capsule: Senior portraits capture a specific moment in time that can be revisited years down the line. Looking back at these images can evoke nostalgia and fond memories.
Personal Reflection: The process of preparing for and participating in a senior portrait session can be a reflective experience. It's a time for seniors to consider their journey, their aspirations, and the path ahead.
Overall, booking a high school senior portrait session offers a chance to commemorate the end of one chapter and the beginning of another, while creating lasting memories and images that will be cherished for years to come.

Your Idaho Senior Photography experience will not be one you want to miss!

Reasons to book a Idaho Seniors Photography session: